Figurski at Findhorn on Acid

by Richard Holeton

Scholars interested in further study of Richard Holeton’s Figurski at Findhorn on Acid can view these references and resources about the work.

Barber, John. "Figurski at Findhorn on Acid." Re-Imagined Radio.
This episode guide for Barber's radio adaptation of the novel includes links to the audio production and the script.

Bell, Alice. "The Colourful Worlds of Richard Holeton's Figurski at Findhorn on Acid." The Possible Worlds of Hypertext Fiction, Palgrave Macmillan 2010, pp 150-184.
This book chapter analyzes Figurski in detail, including its use of images, through the lens of Possible Worlds theory.

Bell, Alice, and Jan Alber. "Ontological Metalepsis and Unnatural Narratology. Journal of Narrative Theory, Volume 42, Number 2, Summer 2012, pp. 166-192.
This article focuses on ontological metalepses or "represented transgressions of world boundaries" in the novel and other literary works.

Bell, Alice and Astrid Ensslin. "'I Know What It Was. You Know What It Was;: Second-Person Narration in Hypertext Fiction." Narrative, Volume 19, Number 3, Oct 2011, pp. 311-329.
This is a narratological analysis of the use of "you" to address the reader in Figurski and in Stuart Moulthrop's Victory Garden.

Ensslin, Astrid. "A Hypertext Canon [1.9], Richard Holeton: Figurski at Findhorn on Acid (2001)." Canonizing Hypertext: Explorations and Constructions, Continuum, 2007, pp.87-89.
This analysis situates the novel as one of 23 works from three generations of e-lit proposed as a literary hypertext canon.

Ensslin, Astrid. "The Pen is Your Weapon of Choice [4.3], Ilinx: Richard Holeton's Figurski at Findhorn on Acid. Literary Gaming, MIT Press, 2014, pp. 61-64.
This analysis from a gaming perspective argues that Figurski instantiates a notion of "ilinx," or vertigo, by inducing in the reader a dizzying form of play.

“Figurski at Findhorn on Acid.”
This entry of the novel in this scholarly database provides an overview of the novel and a robust works cited component.

"Figurski at Findhorn on Acid." Wikipedia.
This entry summarizes the novel's origins; publication history; plot, structure, and style; and literary significance and critical reception.

Hinderaker, Andrew. "It Has No Beginning, It Has No End." Stanford Magazine, November/December 2002.
This book review emphasizes how the novel "plays havoc with literary convention."

Holeton, Richard. "Don't Eat the Yellow Hypertext: Notes on Figurski at Findhorn on Acid." Kairos, vol. 3, no. 2, 1998.
This early, pre-publication article by the author discusses the intentions, origins, influences, and structure of the novel while it was still in development.

Parker, Jeff. "The Museum of Hyphenated Media." Electronic Book Review, January 24, 2003.
This book review finds the novel "too clever" but doing "a number of things well."

Pisarski, Mariusz. "The new Figurski . . . —blueprints for media translation." Electronic Literature Lab, Washington State University, 2021.
This paper, presented by Pisarski for the launch of the 20th anniversary edition, discusses the Electronic Literature Lab's innovations in designing the novel's navigational functionality and dual mode.

“Richard Holeton.” Rebooting Electronic Literature, Volume 2. Ed. Dene Grigar, Nicholas Schiller, Holly Slocum, Mariah Gwin, Andrew Nevue, Kathleen Zoller, and Moneca Roath. This chapter of the annual publication of the Electronic Literature Lab includes information about the versions of the novel, video recordings of Holeton performing the work, images of the physical media relating to the work, a critical essay by Grigar, and the complete archive of materials Holeton donated to the Electronic Literature Organization’s The NEXT.

“Richard Holeton.” Wikipedia.
This entry documents Holeton’s background and career.

“Richard Holeton.”
This scholarly database contains references to other works produced by Holeton, including some of his critical writings.