Figurski at Findhorn on Acid


i'm trying to act normal i'm trying to follow the action be part of the scene

couldn't avoid sharing don't want to arouse suspicion by staying alone in the trailer i wonder what streleski would do in this situation

i think they know i found something in the dunes they probably want it maybe it was intended for them but it just dropped out of the sky is what i think

easy enough to hide they're used to seeing me carry my duffel around now taking up the extra seat beside me

kept to myself in prison they called me egghead i am the eggman i am the walrus which was better than many-pens fuck you mounting-dog

once this guy tried to get me into a show he said i was perfect for the part but i wasn't interested in joining a bunch of convicted violent offenders play-acting like schoolkids in twelve angry men they all thought i thought i was better than them smarter and they were right just not smart enough for quentin hm

here though with all these post-hippies sharing maybe they think i'm stupid they're all so nice nice nice they're like hey we don't know what trip you're on exactly but it's cool man just find yourself at least they don't hassle me

then suddenly there i am up on the stage i don't remember hoisting my duffel or walking up the aisle it's like i'm drawn there it seems so natural and unnatural at the same time that i wonder if i'm dreaming

i'm setting out the pig on a stool saying i found this it's mine finders keepers losers weepers i pop open the pop-top spam and the smell almost makes me keel over but i spoon some pork shoulder product back into the pig's mouth just like we practiced in the trailer and with the proper cranking he chews it real slow with some of the stuff kind of squishing out and dribbling down the chin and with the right controls i speed up his digestive process for the grand finale thinking to put newspaper down on the polished wood first

they're all just looking at me like is that it then so as an encore i have the pig do a little dance and they applaud courteously

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