American Pork Congress, 1982
There are pig posters, pig statues, silhouettes of pigs, slide shows and video cassettes of pigs, displays of
feed for pigs, medicine for pigs and paraphernalia for pigs. DeKalb Swine Breeders, Inc., has erected a
display that consists simply of a large glass meat cooler with the carefully dissected remains of two pigs
propped up inside. Only the back halves of the two demonstration pigs are left. Their hindquarters have been
fastidiously sawed diagonally from the middle of the backbone to just under the anus, so that one can peer
right into the middle of the hams. These amputated pigs, which still wear their skin, give the unsettling
appearance of being neither alive nor dead — of being animals who are trying without success to make the
metaphysical transition from beast to meat.
— Orville Schell, Modern Meat (Random House, 1984)