In one of our favorites, “Why I Want to Fuck Ronald Reagan,” J.G. Ballard uses a deadpan scholarly tone and
from mock-scientific studies to associate Reagan with Hitler, homoeroticism, and “anal-sadistic fantasies.”
narrator cites slow-motion film studies comparing Reagan's, Nixon's, and Hitler's facial muscles during campaign
speeches with images of rectal stimulation, and he describes multi-track videos of a simulated Reagan having
Vietnamese child-atrocity victims. We hope
you enjoy the
following excerpt, in
which participants in
trials find Reagan's transverse colon the most sexually stimulating part of his anatomy.
— Jock Cantfield et al., Chicken Soup for the Concentration Camp
Lover's Soul: 115 Stories about Discomfort, Depravity, and Sado-Masochism
(Wealth Communications, 1999)